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The Light and How to Swing It: Holy Powah! + wow gold
Great beauty,great stength,and great riches,are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all.
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Sköpun: 18/08/2010 10:50
Uppfæra: 18/08/2010 11:13
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ryrt :: The Light and How to Swin

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: Breakfast Topic: What is your leveling style? + wow power leveling - 18/08/2010 11:13

Breakfast Topic: What is your leveling style? + wow power leveling
TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good.
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Are you a loner or a social butterfly? A turtle or a race car on a demonic speedway? There are as many ways to level as there are races and classes to play. With the release of Cataclysm drawing near, I am beginning to feel that old excitement of leveling up my toons to new heights. You know that feeling, right? The excitement you feel when delving into quests never done before. The rush of seeing your XP bar move up and up. The elation of dinging a new level. I love leveling up through new content. I think we all do -- otherwise, why are we playing this game, right?
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But here is the real question: How do you like leveling up? Are you a solo leveler? Do you prefer to take your time and read each quest and then carefully plot your course of action? Or, like me, do you pick up all the quests you see and then later figure out what the heck you are supposed to do? Do you like leveling with a buddy, or in a group?
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My own personal style is a mirror of my personality: a bit crazy, xyjjgioerjgmer more than a little compulsive and headstrong to the finish. I go to a new area and pick up every single quest I can find. Then I read them all and figure out where to go for each one (this last bit having been made much easier with Blizzard's implementation of "Questing for Dummies" and the placement of little markers on your map where each quest can be completed).
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Now here is the good part: I organize my desk area, make sure I have a fresh drink (and maybe a light snack to hold me through my leveling marathon), and I set off for parts unknown. I do every single quest I have in my log for that area. I take pride in doing them in the most efficient manner, making a big loop and not having to backtrack for any missed items. I will group with random kind strangers if need be, but by and large, I like questing by myself and I tolerate no idle chitchat.
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After a couple hours of this madness, I make my way back to the camp or city I started in and reap my rewards by turning in upwards of 20 quests at a time. Ahh, the pure joy of it. Can't you just feel the thrill? So what is your special brand of madness?
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In closing The last big news about new stuff for alchemy comes from the guild perks information. The guild perk Chug-a-Lug confirms that it affects both potions and cauldrons. That could just be the designers being surprisingly thorough and including the cauldrons from The Burning Crusade. But the tiny little part of me that still wants a pony is hoping and praying we might see feast-like cauldrons in Cataclysm. It would just make life so much easier.
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Finally, alchemy will have the same kind of stat-buffing potions we have in Wrath. I didn't delve into them because they're stat buffs. And while numbers are fun and exciting, they don't have a lot of context yet. We'll revisit the stat buff potions a little later in the beta. wow power leveling xyj.
Granted, he's much better than most players, but he was struggling to play a moderately difficult song on the expert difficulty (the hardest difficulty in the game). He later revealed to me that the reason he was lamenting his "lack" of skill was that he used to be much better so much better, in fact, that he once beat the infamous "Through the Fire and Flames" on expert in Guitar Hero III.

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: The Light and How to Swing It: Holy Powah! + wow gold - 18/08/2010 11:13

The Light and How to Swing It: Holy Powah! + wow gold
Great beauty,great stength,and great riches,are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all.
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his article has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to How can you tell a good raider from a bad raider?
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GearScore? NO. Often times, people will rely on a numerical gear score, xyjjgioerjgmer but this is not a good way to judge player quality. Very good players will have low gear scores when starting out, and very bad players who have been persistent or been carried can have very high scores. GearScore is not an indicator of goodness or badness; it's purely an indication of how much time and luck the person has had on that character.
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Achievements? NO. Some group leaders request, "Link achievement, please," but this is not a good method, either. All this indicates is that the person was in the raid when the boss died. You don't know if they were No. 1 DPS or died three seconds into the fight, the same as they do during every fight they've ever been in.
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So before you can determine how tell a good player from a bad player, you should understand what makes a "good player."
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Qualities of a good player Dedication This is illustrated well by a player's gems and enchants. Does he have all his gear enchanted with the top-end enchants? Is his epic gear gemmed with epic gems? (You can put rare gems in blue gear, but not in 251+ gear.) Also informative is whether the person has a secondary spec.
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Experience One of the very cool new features of armory is that you can see how many times someone has killed a boss. If he's killed a boss 10+ times, then he probably understands the fight basics very well. Also, you can see which bosses he's killed. If someone has killed the Lich King 10+ times, it shows a reasonable experience with unforgiving fight mechanics. This even counts if the player has made these kills on a main character but are wanting to bring an alt. Generally, some of the most experienced players are those with several max-level characters.
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Class knowledge General, open-ended questions to ask someone are, "What's your spell rotation?" or "Why did you choose those talents?" The answers provide a good basis on which to judge a player's knowledge, even if you don't know the class yourself. The worst answers are, "I dunno, just whatever" and "I copied these from someone else." People who understand their class generally have reasons for spells they choose and what talents they pick. Even if they haven't gone to Elitist Jerks and researched every rotation and talent point, they should at least have a rationale for the choices they've made. wow gold xyj.
For those who don't know, "Through the Fire and Flames" is generally agreed to be the hardest song in any guitarbased rhythm game, demanding complex techniques that no other song in the series requires.

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